tirsdag 22. mai 2012

Introducing "Extended data"

Composeg now has a new feature which I've dubbed "Extended data". This functionality makes it possible to view KOMS of composite segments filtered by year and month. I.e. Composeg now can answer interesting questions such has: Who was KOM in Oslo in 2011? Or April of 2012?

The feature needs to be enabled per composite segment, and this is something that I (for now) need to do behind the scenes. Currently extended data is enabled for these composites:

  • Oslos klatrekonge
  • Grusveier i Kroksskogen
  • Pioneer Valley

So, it works like this: You go to the Composite segment page and click on the composite you want. On the picture below, notice the button within the red rectangle; it indicates that this composite has extended data, and by clicking on it you will be redirected to the extended data page for the composite.

And below you can see this page. By clicking on the placement number for each athlete, you will get to see the individual times for the athlete on each segement in a pop-up. I hope that the rest of the functionality on this page is self-explanatory.


As mentioned, I have to do some things behind the scenes in order for this to work. This also is true for existing extended data composites - I need to pull down the latest efforts semi-manually, and so several days may pass before new efforts appear. This is in contrast to the "regular" viewer of composite segements, this view is always totally up-to-date.

Computing points

For regular composite segments you need to be amongst the top fifty in at least one of the individual segments in order to appear on the list. With extended data I have the ability to show everyone, but then the question is how to rank everybody. Of course, the main challenge here stems from the fact that not everybody has ridden every segment within the composite.
So I've done it like this:

  1. If you are among the top fifty in one or more of the segments, you get "real points".
  2. Everybody that has real points is automatically ranked before everyone who doesn't have any real points.
  3. For each segment the maximum time that anyone has used is located, and for each segment you haven't been on, you automatically receive this maximun time.
  4. All riders without real points are ranked according to their total time accross all segments.

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