This deeply important question was posed by Martin on his blog in this posting. He continued by arguing that the best way to find the answer to this question would be to determine what the three most prestiguous segments in the Oslo area are. Of course, we are talking about segments on everybody´s favorite social training site: Strava.
And he landed on these three segments:
I realized that computing the list for "King of Mountain Oslo" is just a single instance of a general concept that could be interesting in many places and situations. Who is KOM in San Fransisco, New York or Ulan Bator? Who is king on the paths that I cycle in the woods where I live? etc. etc.
So the concept of "composite segment" was born, and the site Composeg was created. I hope that you will find this site of interest, and I am working on new features that hopefully will make the site even more interesting.
BTW, here's the page for the 100% up-to-date ranking of King of Moutain Oslo.
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